New Doctor Who Logo Revealed
Labels: doctor who, video, youtube
"You Two! We're at the end of the universe, eh. Right at the edge of knowledge itself. And you're busy... blogging!"
— The Doctor, Utopia
Keep in mind these two important points: First, the voice of K-9 in this trailer is not the one that will be used in the final show. (Though don’t expect it to be John Leeson either.) Second, this is a show for kids. Enjoy!
Labels: doctor who, video, youtube
Labels: doctor who, flickr, science fiction
Labels: doctor who, video, youtube
Labels: doctor who, doctorwho, flickr, usb, video
If you haven't seen The Stolen Earth yet, do not watch this trailer. You've been warned.
Labels: doctor who, video
"All rights reserved. All lefts gregarious. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photography, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without express written permission form the publisher, or special dispensation from the Archbishop of Cydonia Mensae." (Look it up ;-)
Labels: copyright, doctor who, faction paradox, sceince fiction
I'm not a knitter but I've been watching a lot of the photos on Flickr (especially the recent Face of Bo and Adipose creations) and wishing someone would love me enough to knit some of these for me. So when I read the story of the person who's received a cease and desist from the BBC for posting homebrew knitting patters online I felt just a little sick.
“We note that you are supplying DR WHO items, and using trade marks and copyright owned by BBC. You have not been given permission to use the DR WHO brand and we ask that you remove from your site any designs connected with DR WHO. Please reply acknowledging receipt of this email, and confirm that you will remove the DR WHO items as requested.”
Really, who is this hurting? No money is changing hands and the BBC isn't loosing any market share since they're offering no such thing officially. Hey Russell, what do you think about this?
Read more and link to the full story on the The Open Rights Group Blog.
Labels: copyright, doctor who
According to SEB, Richard Dawkins is making a guest appearance in this season of Doctor Who. Even cooler, Dr. Dawking is married to Lala Ward who played Romanna #2 in the classic series and was previously married to Doctor #4, Tom Baker. (None of this I new previous to a few minutes ago.)
Labels: doctor who
Labels: doctor who, video, youtube
Here's the new full trailer for series three which, BTW, starts Satudray so don't anyone bother calling me on Sunday.
Labels: doctor who, video, youtube
Today's Real Life comic takes on "watching" UK TV via BitTorrent. I have this conversation with myself all the time. (Doctor Who Series three starts this Saturday! Guess what I'll be watching on Sunday.)
Labels: bittorrent, comic, doctor who, tv
It's only eight seconds long and it's definitely for the ladies. Via YouTube. (Embedding not allowed by the BBC.)
Labels: doctor who, video, youtube
In one of the most brilliant casting announcements I've ever read, Sir Dereck Jacobi will be appearing in a series three episode of Doctor Who.
Labels: doctor who
I remembered earlier today that I previously posted a list of the "professional" podcasts I listened to and promised a list of "personal" podcasts. Well here it is.
Labels: apple, doctor who, itunes, starbucks, video
Here's some bits from the forthcoming 2007 Doctor Who Christmas Special:
Teaser 1:
Teaser 2:
Four Minutes from the episode:
Labels: doctor who, youtube
Series two of Doctor Who starting David Tennant starts tomorrow night on the SciFi channel. Don't miss this series, it's just as good as the last one if not a little better.
Labels: doctor who
I havn't blogges about's downloadable video service Unbox yet and I wasn't planning to until I say that they are offering a limited number of Doctor Who episodes (the original 1963-1989 series). I ove the fact that they're doing this but if you look at the details, the downloads (good for 30 days worth of viewing) are $1.99 each. That's $1.99 per 25 minute episode of which 4-6 episodes typically formed a complete story. So, at a minimum, you're looking at $8-12 for a 1:30-2:15 show. That's a bit high in my opinion.
Labels: doctor who, ie, video
Importing most of my books into LibraryThing made me realize that I'd never cataloged all of my old Doctor Who novelizations published by Target in the 80s and early 90s. So, on Saturday I sat down and put over 170 ISBNs into LibraryThing and tagged all the new books accordingly. It seems, adding those books put me at the top of the heap for the "doctor who" tag.
Labels: doctor who
The second episode of the new Doctor Who series (season for those insisting on using American terminology) finished broadcasting about four hours ago. Already there are more than 350 full copies available via BitTorrent with more than 2200 people actively downloading it. I think this says somehting about the show's popularity, don't you?
Labels: bittorrent, doctor who
Unless you've been living under a rock (or just don't care,) series two of Doctor Who started this past Saturday in the UK. (Yes, you can find it on BitTorrent.) The news of additional coolness is that Mr. Davies is producing a podcast of episode commentaries. You can find it via iTunes (just search on "Doctor Who") of, for those of you that are iTunes-less, the URL for the feed is
Labels: apple, bittorrent, doctor who, itunes, rss
Broadcast on BBCi last night at 8pm local, this three minute preview of series two is now available via bittorrent. The quality isn't great but it still gave me goosebumps. (The verbal oneupsmanship between Rose and Sarah Jane is priceless.)
Labels: bittorrent, doctor who
I've had a Library Thing account for 24 hours now and I have some initial reactions. I'm hoping that a few of my complaints are just me now knowing how to perform the actions I believe are missing from the service. If I'm in need of correction, please do so.
Labels: doctor who, statistics
I've been tagged...
Four jobs you have had in your life:
1. Internet Trainer
2. Writer
3. Bookseller
4. Clerk @ a Bed, Bath, & Beyond
Four movies you would watch over and over:
1. Labyrinth
2. Brotherhood of the Wolf
3. Chasing Amy
4. High Fedelity
Four places you have lived:
1. Rochester, NY
2. Albany, NY
3. Las Vegas, NV
4. Aurora, CO
Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. 24
2. Bones
3. Battlestar Galactica
4. Doctor Who
Four places you have been on vacation:
1. London, England
2. San Francisco, CA
3. St. Louis, MO
4. Phoenix, AZ
Four websites I visit daily
1. Bloglines
2. Blogger
4. flickr
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Sushi
2. Cheesecake
3. Pizza
4. Garlic Nan
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Anywhere but a Holiday Inn
2. Anywhere but a Holiday Inn
3. Anywhere but a Holiday Inn
4. Anywhere but a Holiday Inn
Four people I will tag thinking they will respond.....
1. I do these but I don’t pass them along…
Four things I always carry with me
1. Pen
2. Treo 600
3. Wallet
4. Keys
Labels: blogger,, doctor who, rochester, sushi, treo
The Doctor Who page is finally up at I also saw some commercials during Battlestar Galactica on Friday night. (They were oddly edited however...)
Labels: doctor who
Labels: doctor who, DVD
Labels: doctor who
The first, longer, trailer is up for Doctor Who: The Christmas Invasion. I've got to say that witnessing the TARDIS "crash land" is a bit of a twist.
Labels: doctor who, video
The first teaser for the next Doctor Who episode The Christmas Invasion is now up on the BBC site.
Labels: doctor who
Sci Fi Wire reports that the 9th Doctor DVDs will be released as a boxed set on 14 February 2006.
Labels: doctor who, DVD
The recent Children in Need telethon in the UK included an eight minute Doctor Who episode which directly connects the recent regeneration to the Christmas Invasion. (It has not been said how long this will be available online so you'd better watch it soon.)
Labels: doctor who
Check out the Dean Gray presents American Edit mashup. My favorite is Doctor Who on Holiday. Of course, if you ask the record companies, such creativity is illegal.
Labels: doctor who