The Origin of Sesame Street
As a child of the 70s, I recently read Street Gang: The Complete History of Sesame Street and enjoyed it thoroughly. That experience only may this, the pitch film from 1969 all the more interesting.
"You Two! We're at the end of the universe, eh. Right at the edge of knowledge itself. And you're busy... blogging!"
— The Doctor, Utopia
As a child of the 70s, I recently read Street Gang: The Complete History of Sesame Street and enjoyed it thoroughly. That experience only may this, the pitch film from 1969 all the more interesting.
Labels: science fiction, tv, video, youtube
Last night's episode of PBS' Frontline was all about kids and the Net.
In Growing Up Online, FRONTLINE takes viewers inside the very public private worlds that kids are creating online, raising important questions about how the Internet is transforming childhood. "The Internet and the digital world was something that belonged to adults, and now it's something that really is the province of teenagers, " says C.J. Pascoe, a postdoctoral scholar with the University of California, Berkeley's Digital Youth Research project.
I've only watched excerpts so far but the whole program is available online on Frontline Web site. The best quote from the show I believe is "We have to look at our kids less like victims and more like participants."
Well, turns out it's not as bad as it sounds. He's promoting a event on the history of the Sheriff department. (My dad's the president of the town Historical Society.)
Not the forthcoming US remake, but a second series of the original UK hit! (Three episodes in and I finally noticed over the weekend.) Anyway, here's the bit that's been making the rounds regarding anti-piracy warnings. (You'll need to poke around on BitTorrent for the complete episodes.)
This is most likely the most beautiful comic book cover I have ever seen. (The story's pretty good too.)
Labels: buffy, comicbooks, flickr, tv
Today's Real Life comic takes on "watching" UK TV via BitTorrent. I have this conversation with myself all the time. (Doctor Who Series three starts this Saturday! Guess what I'll be watching on Sunday.)
Labels: bittorrent, comic, doctor who, tv